24 Hour Dispatch & Emergency Response

Ensuring Safety with Scott Safety’s Comprehensive Fire Services

Ensure safety with Scott Safety’s comprehensive fire services. Our expert team offers a range of solutions to protect your property and personnel from fire hazards. From fire risk assessments to state-of-the-art fire suppression systems, we provide top-notch fire safety services tailored to your needs. Trust Scott Safety for reliable fire protection that prioritizes safety Wildfires […]

Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation School

Scott Safety had a blast hanging out at the Career Expo and being able to support and help bring the students of the Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation School to the Expo. Their excitement was infectious and we are glad it was such a success.

Teepee Creek Stampede

What a ride! Scott safety was thrilled to be a main sponsor of the Teepee Creek Pro Rodeo. tpstampede.ca

Giving Back to Neurosurgery for Kids

Scott Safety’ generously raised money and made a donation to the Neurosurgery Kids Fund. We have a special connection to one of their NKF superheroes are happy to contribute to this life changing organization. http://www.neurosurgerykids.com/news.asp

Disney Dream Come True!

Scott Safety made a dream come true for one very special passenger by generously gifting a trip to Disney Land to a five-year-old Josie, who was diagnosed with an Arachnoid Cyst in her brain.