Products & Solutions

Efficient, trusted, cost-effective safety services for a broad spectrum of industries.

Your Full Service FACILITY Safety Partner Providing One-stop-access For All Your Safety Needs

Our 20 years of safety experience ensure your people and vital infrastructure are protected. We are the trusted safety provider that helps clients protect their people and infrastructure by offering a full spectrum of safety services with a relentless commitment to the highest safety standards.

View our safety products and solutions below.

How Can We Help You Today

We have a proven track record of delivering high-quality safety services to companies operating in Western Canada, and we have received positive feedback from our clients. This is a testament to our commitment to providing safe and reliable services to our clients. We understand that safety is a top priority for companies operating in Western Canada, but it can also be a significant cost. That’s why we offer cost-effective solutions that enable you to keep your employees and assets safe, without breaking the bank.
Scott Safety offers the following Personnel Services:
Safety Personnel
Gas and H2S Personnel
Medical Personnel
Medical Personnel we offer, operate under the direction of our Medical Director, who is a Licensed Physician ** Dr. Robert Bernier and team.
High Angle Rescue Personnel
Scott Safety offers the following Medical Services:
Medical Fleet Coverage
Scott Safety offers the following Fire Services:
Fire/Shower Combo Units
CAFS & Wildland Response Units / Fire Suppression Trailers
Shower Units & Trailers
Scott Safety offers the following Fire Sales & Service:
Fire Extinguisher Sales and Services:
Additional Fire Sales and Services:
Scott Safety offers the following Gas Detection Services:
Scott Safety offers the following H2S Services:
Scott Safety offers the following High Angle & Technical Rescue Services:
Scott Safety offers the following Industrial Health Services:
Scott Safety offers the following Decontamination Services:
Scott Safety offers the following Fire Services: