
Efficient, trusted, cost-effective safety services for a broad spectrum of industries.

Industries We Serve

Scott Safety values our relationships with our valued customers. We’ve worked very closely with our customers over the years and have built a strong working relationship with a focus on consistency and professionalism. We feel very strongly that Scott Safety has the expertise to execute on the required services, based on our past and present history. The experience we bring to these field is one of our core strengths. Continuous investment in our equipment and people is necessary to ensure the highest level of service to our customers. With the continued support from our local customers, it drives the community to higher levels and generates local employment in the communities we serve.
24 Hour Dispatch & Emergency Response


Upstream Safety Services,
Across Western Canada.

Scott Safety recognizes industry challenges and works diligently on providing our clients with the most cost effective and safest solutions each time.

In these industries, safety is of the utmost importance. With the hazards and risks associated with drilling, production, transportation, and storage, it’s crucial to have robust safety measures in place to protect workers, the environment, the public, and the reputation of the business.


Scott Safety offers the following Personnel Services:
Safety Personnel
Gas and H2S Personnel
Medical Personnel
Medical Personnel we offer, operate under the direction of our Medical Director, who is a Licensed Physician ** Dr. Robert Bernier and team.
High Angle Rescue Personnel
Scott Safety offers the following Medical Services:
Medical Fleet Coverage
Scott Safety offers the following Fire Services:
Fire/Shower Combo Units
CAFS & Wildland Response Units / Fire Suppression Trailers
Shower Units & Trailers
Scott Safety offers the following Fire Sales & Service:
Fire Extinguisher Sales and Services:
Additional Fire Sales and Services:
Scott Safety offers the following H2S Services:
Scott Safety offers the following Gas Detection Services:
Scott Safety offers the following Fire Services:
Scott Safety offers the following Industrial Health Services:
Scott Safety offers the following High Angle & Technical Rescue Services:
Scott Safety offers the following Decontamination Services: